Contacting Your GP Practice

Non-urgent advice: We Are Here For You
General practice is here for you, but how you contact your GP surgery might be different at the moment. Face-to-face appointments are available to patients where there is a clinical need. If you prefer a certain appointment type, then please talk to us. You will be asked to first discuss your conditions over the phone or online with a member of the healthcare team to assess what would be most appropriate for you and which practice member would best provide it.
There are three ways you can choose to get in touch with us to get help:
Visit your GP surgery website and complete a secure online form to request advice or treatment. You will receive a response as soon as possible, usually within two working days. Online forms should not be used for very urgent medical problems.
Call your surgery to arrange an appointment. You will usually be assessed on the
telephone first, with face-to-face care arranged if clinically needed. If you have a
preference about how to access care you can discuss it with your practice.
You can visit your practice in person but please follow social distancing guidelines. You should not visit your practice in person if you are isolating due to COVID-19 or if you have any symptoms of COVID-19. You may be asked some questions about your condition to decide which member of the general practice team it would be most appropriate for you to see.
Pick the option that suits you best. No matter how you choose to get in touch with us, whether it’s using an online form, calling or visiting, you’ll get the help that’s right for you.
We may:
• Book a face-to-face appointment for you
• Arrange a phone or video consultation
• Send you a text message, for example, inviting you for a blood test
• Arrange a home visit, or
• Refer you to another service.
However we respond, you can rest assured that we’re always looking after your needs.
Regardless of how you contact your practice, your practice will help you get the care you need, whether it’s a face-to-face appointment, a phone or video call, or by sending a text or online message.
Parents, carers and young people
If you are a parent or carer, you can use our online form for your children or those you care for. Young people aged between 13 – 16 who want to get in touch directly, can phone us or visit us.
Help us, help you
When requesting care, whether online, by phone or in person, it helps us if you explain what’s wrong. This ensures you get the care you need at the right time from the right person – for example, from the doctor or nurse who normally treats you. It also helps our medical team to prioritise those who need our care most. If you prefer not to say what’s wrong – for example, when talking to our reception team –they will always respect your privacy. However, it’s an important part of their job to ask, so thank you for your support with this.
Please also tell us if:
• You would prefer us to talk with you by phone, face-to-face or by video call
• You need to speak to a particular person because they have treated you before
• There are certain times of day when you can’t talk, for example you are at work, at
school or college
• You need English to be interpreted, you need help from another person at your
appointment, or if you have other communications needs.
We will do our best to meet your needs in the way you would like, but please bear in mind
that if you are unwell, our priority will be to ensure you receive care quickly.
Your local pharmacy can help. Don’t miss out on NHS support available conveniently and close to home, in your local pharmacy.
Help from your local pharmacy team
Your local community pharmacist and their team can help and support with minor illnesses. As dedicated, qualified health professionals, and experts in medicines, they can offer clinical advice, consultations and over the counter medicines to help safely manage a wide range of minor health concerns. Many pharmacies also offer a range of new NHS clinical services including blood pressure testing.

For urgent medical help
If you have an urgent medical problem and you’re not sure what to do, NHS 111 online can help or you can call NHS 111
For life-threatening emergencies, dial 999.
Non-urgent advice: Visiting Us
When visiting the surgery, please remember you still need to wear a face covering and maintain social distancing to protect vulnerable patients from Coronavirus infection.
Your GP practice team is here to help you. Thank you for treating us with respect